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New mom trying to adapt to a new life!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Web 2.0

Technology is truly scary to me. I am not scared of change, just the thought of using it and leaving behind to old perfected ways of doing things. I love once I know how to use these new things that my life gets easier but then again I am scared that it might be too easy.
I love that all this can keep us connected in our daily age of technology but will miss face to face interaction and the voice and face of the other person to communicate and achieve a goal. I know that blogs can be used to help my kids/parents in my classroom. It would be a great way to post upcoming events (school related and classroom), helpful tips for parents on assignments, link kids to helpful site to encourage learning above and beyond classroom, blog about how the lesson went or upcoming lessons, give times for tutoring and what would be covered so all kids could come that might want the extra help not just the ones I think need it, and a great tool for communication in the community.
The unfortunate part would be the little to no access of interent and technology for most of the community I would want to reach.

1 comment:

  1. Your going to get to see if blogging will reach your community with your "team blog". I'll be interested in the feedback from you.
