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New mom trying to adapt to a new life!


Monday, September 27, 2010

Thing #6

Managing the feed a little better the more time it is given is the key for the week for me. There were a few things that helped me to reflect this week better than on thing 5. I struggled to learn the concept of what was being asked of me. I get it now and especially when you can follow thing that are a little more interesting and even more helpful on a personal level than just a broad concept. Narrowing my options to a specific topic helped me to understand more of what was happening and how.
I feed off of a few new math site and that struck avery good interest and was amazing to see the new information, creative ways to present topics, puzzles and much much more and updated daily with new and improved ideas.
the above link gave me a new way to think of prime numbers for my kids as well as literature to help explain them too.
The above link was an aha moment for me. Who knew that there was a book out there to explain how most parents feel about math homework and to help them, but wait the best part was that it was a free copy.

There is a large world of information out there and I am only beginning to learn that!

Thing #5

This has to be the most challenging part of the 23 things so far. I am still overwhelmed by the amount of information and the amount that keeps on coming. I have skimmed through much and tried to figure out a way to best comment. I love the way these sites update about educational information and the one I truly enjoyed was getting updates on new literature out there for educational purposes that was by far the best part for me.
Infinite Thinking Machine
In the above link this was amazing to see new books about higher education and much much more. It was intriguing to look into a new topic but some how it found me in this new piece of technology.
More time will be necessary for me to truly grasp this "thing".

Monday, September 20, 2010


Wow the information that is out there in the blogosphere is overwhelming. I never imagined so many people voicing such direct opinions of what they felt and how they felt about a topic.
Blogging can definitely relate to reading and writing in multiple ways. I can see numerous persuasive essays making their way into blogging. To me that is the best way to explain what it is all about...persuasion and opinions. Students would be able to comment as well as see other besides peers writing in creative ways about numerous topics. The reading side of it was amazing for me to see not necessarily the best writing techniques but what was written was heard. We know that by the comments left by others and/or yourselves. It took the blog to a whole new level...to see the other side, to watch it unfold into an argument sometimes, or just plain ways to get more information on an already well addressed topic.
Students can create their own blogs and get their voices heard as well as getting feed back...lets face it at home we all don't get the constant help and assistance we need to complete assignments and homework. With blogging you can even get instant feed back and have another resource of information on a topic that you might be studying or researching or plain just want to know more about.
Blogging has opened a whole new world of information.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Web 2.0

Technology is truly scary to me. I am not scared of change, just the thought of using it and leaving behind to old perfected ways of doing things. I love once I know how to use these new things that my life gets easier but then again I am scared that it might be too easy.
I love that all this can keep us connected in our daily age of technology but will miss face to face interaction and the voice and face of the other person to communicate and achieve a goal. I know that blogs can be used to help my kids/parents in my classroom. It would be a great way to post upcoming events (school related and classroom), helpful tips for parents on assignments, link kids to helpful site to encourage learning above and beyond classroom, blog about how the lesson went or upcoming lessons, give times for tutoring and what would be covered so all kids could come that might want the extra help not just the ones I think need it, and a great tool for communication in the community.
The unfortunate part would be the little to no access of interent and technology for most of the community I would want to reach.

Lifelong Learning

This was a creatve approach to explaining learning and giving me great ideas to continue on and share in the future. There are some habits that I already do daily and continue to practice with other. Setting goals has never been my problem, it was following all the way through a goal and seeing it's end every time. I would do most of my goal and let that be satisfactory and then move on to something new. I would always veiw a problem as a challenge and make the most of it. Now sometimes the problem is a challenge and it takes a while to get to see the learning point of the problem and this is discouraging and thus leads to the low confidence that I have in myself for new things in life. It is always important to accept responsibility of your actions as well as help teach others, but my rule on teaching others is only if I am comfortable with the topic myself. Overall I loved this presentation and help put somethings in prospective!!!!