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New mom trying to adapt to a new life!


Monday, September 20, 2010


Wow the information that is out there in the blogosphere is overwhelming. I never imagined so many people voicing such direct opinions of what they felt and how they felt about a topic.
Blogging can definitely relate to reading and writing in multiple ways. I can see numerous persuasive essays making their way into blogging. To me that is the best way to explain what it is all about...persuasion and opinions. Students would be able to comment as well as see other besides peers writing in creative ways about numerous topics. The reading side of it was amazing for me to see not necessarily the best writing techniques but what was written was heard. We know that by the comments left by others and/or yourselves. It took the blog to a whole new level...to see the other side, to watch it unfold into an argument sometimes, or just plain ways to get more information on an already well addressed topic.
Students can create their own blogs and get their voices heard as well as getting feed back...lets face it at home we all don't get the constant help and assistance we need to complete assignments and homework. With blogging you can even get instant feed back and have another resource of information on a topic that you might be studying or researching or plain just want to know more about.
Blogging has opened a whole new world of information.


  1. I agree with the homework help. How awesome would it be to have a blog set up where students could ask the teacher and each other questions about the things they did not understand in class.

  2. I think the ability for immediate feedback is one of the great things, too. Instead of being left to wonder, a student might be able to get immediate help from a teacher or, even better, another student.

    Jane Q. Learner
