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New mom trying to adapt to a new life!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Module 2

We created our unit plan and most of the assessment and presentations.  They were easy to create and submit.  The hard part was trying to submit the information on the WIKI that we had to do in one of the last activities.  The technological brain needed for that was a little above my head and was confusing.  The unit was well planned and helped lay out our thoughts and the information that we will be elaborating on later.  The questions were easy to write an form.  Of course the higher you get the more difficult to create these questions.  Loving it so far and can't wait to learn more! :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Module 1

Okay so it took a little longer than anticipated to complete module 1.  I created my publication based on trying to build a relationship with my students to promote better TAKS scores. The publication was easy but trying to use tagging was not easy and not as simple as planned for in this case.  More practice and I think all will be easier and go much easier than it is right now.